Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Summary of Notes

The atmosphere is made up of a variety of gases. Some of which are contributors to the greenhouse effect. These factors are water vapor and carbon dioxide. Because of fossil fuels, carbon dioxide levels have risen 18% since 1958. To better understand the greenhouse effect and the things that contribute to this issue we also have to understand air pressure. Vertical air pressure decreases with height. So the farther you travel into outer space the less vertical air pressure there is to impact you.
Solar radiation involves two concepts, Albedo and Absorption. Albedo is the energy that is reflected back into space. Absorption is not reflected but re-emits the energy as long wave infrared radiation. This is important because this is a major component in the Urban Heat Island Effect. This means where ever there is a city or an urban area, the re-emitted energy is higher there, thus the temperature is higher.  Relative Humidity is the amount of water that the air can hold. Humidity is the water vapor stuck between air molecules.

Monday, October 22, 2012

My Group Analysis

When I worked with my group I found 3 things that I thought we did really well and 3 things I thought we did poorly.
1. Not to make me sound bossy, but I think my gorup took direction really well. I could tell them to do something and they would accomplish it.
2. Our power point was presented really well.
3. We made our calculations as acurate as possible.

1. My group got distracted easily.
2. I think we could have had a stronger work ethic.
3. My group had a problem with just wasting time, so at the last minute we were rushing to get things done because we wasted so much time.


Aerosols are a big part of our ozone. Aerosols are any particles that are suspended in the air. Although the aerosols themselves do not effect the ozone it is the gas inside the aerosol cans that effect the ozone. This gas is called CFC: chloral floral carbon.  This gas has a dangerous effect on our ozone layer. This gas is illegal to use for a propellant and it is illegal to put into the air.

Aerosols should be studied because they are emmitted into our atmosphere and effect our planet. Studying this concept will provide new ideas to solve the issue of our deteriorating ozone. Aerosols effect the amount of rain fall. So if aerosols are studied scientists can learn more about the water cycle. Not only will this study shed some light on the water cycle but also the track the effects of dust storms, volcanic eruptions and pollution across the world.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Why Should Surface Ozone be Studied?

Surface Ozone should be studied for a few reasons. First surface ozone is an issue. What is surface ozone? Ozone occurs naturally in the atmosphere. The stratosphere blocks Ultra Violet rays and the tropospheric ozone is a major part of smog. Smog damages plants, animals, and people. 
Tropospheric ozone is a major part of smog, damages plants, animals, and people.
Ozone is formed from UV reacting with NO2 from natural sources. It can be harmful to the environment. Ozone is made up from different levels of harmful ozone such as smog. In places like LA, smog is very prominent because the there isn't a natural breeze to carry all of the pollutants away. At certain levels of this toxicity, it may become lethal to humans.  The ozone is depleted from free radical catalysts such as, NO, OH, Cl and Br. The ozone can conflict with the plants ability to soak up Carbon Dioxide. This means that if the plants cant soak up the Carbon Dioxide, the gas will remain in the air and contribute to the global warming.

Secondly, we can research this subject we may be able to find ways to correct the problem. In the 70's refridgerators contained CFC's which are very harmful to the ozone.  Know one knew that CFC's were harmful to the ozone and now we know that. We know that through research. If we study this concept further we can know exactly how much ozone is in the atmosphere and know how much of a problem it really is. If we know how bad the problem is, we can know its progress and seek ways to correct this issue.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Transect Procedure

  1. Mark off transect area of 100 square meters.
  2. Measure circumference of a tree in section.
  3. Identify the tree.
  4. Calculate top and bottom slope, using a clinometer.
  5. Calculate tree value using board feet calculations.
  6. Use Arc GIS Software to estimate the amount of land on the HHS campus.
  7. Calculate the value of the campus using the timber value from all the transects.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Decision to Make

This year I had to make a decision of whether or not I was going to join the Speech and Debate team. This decision involved a few steps. First I asked the question of how much stress was this going to add to my life? How much stress would it add to my family's life and was I ready to deal with that extra stress?  This is my senior year and with being president of Thespians and aiming to be Stage Manager, was I ready to add another thing to my plate? Next I did some background research about all the work involved. Would I be dedicated to completing the work on time and doing my best in every aspect of the team?  I had to think about all the competitions involved. Would I be able to go to all of the tournaments? Finally after I analyzed the data, I drew my conclusion that to start the Speech and Debate team in my Senior Year would not be a wise choice. I would not be able to do these things to the best of my ability. I communicated my results to Mrs. Freeman that I would not be joining the Speech and Debate Team.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

About Moi!

Good Afternoon! My name is Elizabeth but I prefer to be called Liz. I am involved in Theater. I am currently the President of our Thespian Troupe. I am very excited about this year as far as Thespians go. I am glad this is my senior year but I am also nervous about colleges. I plan on going to a Bible Institute after this year and had planned on going to Marshall but now I am looking at NKU or UK. I thought I was sure of my future but I guess nothing is ever set in stone.

This summer was one of the best summers of my life. I worked at a Christian camp as a counselor. Although I have done this before many things happened for the first time. To start it all off I taught a young girl adopted from Ethiopia how to read. That was very difficult. I tried to teach her that to say "Her is messy," is not correct but I think she may have been set in her ways. Next I shot a shot gun for the first time. Not at camp if thats what you're thinking. It was over the weekend. I also used a glock. WOW was that hard! Then I rode on a "crotch rocket" and in a Jeep for the first time. We raced in the Jeep against a friend on a four wheeler. The four wheeler won...

While at camp we had a skit night. My friend Jason and I performed a silly skit called "The Twins" he and I were twin brother and sister who could feel each other's pain. It was all improv and went quite well. My brother and I were in a skit called "Hot Koolaid" a tribute to Julian Smith a phenomenal comedian on Youtube. that went really well we changed a few things because we just do it from memory. We don't just do silly skits; we also perform serious skits with spiritual meaning. I believe the Lord worked in the lives of the young people who attended through skits, memory verses, morning and night time devotions and also chapel services. I am glad I was able to work at Camp Evangel this summer and look forward to another year!