Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Summary of Notes

The atmosphere is made up of a variety of gases. Some of which are contributors to the greenhouse effect. These factors are water vapor and carbon dioxide. Because of fossil fuels, carbon dioxide levels have risen 18% since 1958. To better understand the greenhouse effect and the things that contribute to this issue we also have to understand air pressure. Vertical air pressure decreases with height. So the farther you travel into outer space the less vertical air pressure there is to impact you.
Solar radiation involves two concepts, Albedo and Absorption. Albedo is the energy that is reflected back into space. Absorption is not reflected but re-emits the energy as long wave infrared radiation. This is important because this is a major component in the Urban Heat Island Effect. This means where ever there is a city or an urban area, the re-emitted energy is higher there, thus the temperature is higher.  Relative Humidity is the amount of water that the air can hold. Humidity is the water vapor stuck between air molecules.

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