Friday, October 5, 2012

Why Should Surface Ozone be Studied?

Surface Ozone should be studied for a few reasons. First surface ozone is an issue. What is surface ozone? Ozone occurs naturally in the atmosphere. The stratosphere blocks Ultra Violet rays and the tropospheric ozone is a major part of smog. Smog damages plants, animals, and people. 
Tropospheric ozone is a major part of smog, damages plants, animals, and people.
Ozone is formed from UV reacting with NO2 from natural sources. It can be harmful to the environment. Ozone is made up from different levels of harmful ozone such as smog. In places like LA, smog is very prominent because the there isn't a natural breeze to carry all of the pollutants away. At certain levels of this toxicity, it may become lethal to humans.  The ozone is depleted from free radical catalysts such as, NO, OH, Cl and Br. The ozone can conflict with the plants ability to soak up Carbon Dioxide. This means that if the plants cant soak up the Carbon Dioxide, the gas will remain in the air and contribute to the global warming.

Secondly, we can research this subject we may be able to find ways to correct the problem. In the 70's refridgerators contained CFC's which are very harmful to the ozone.  Know one knew that CFC's were harmful to the ozone and now we know that. We know that through research. If we study this concept further we can know exactly how much ozone is in the atmosphere and know how much of a problem it really is. If we know how bad the problem is, we can know its progress and seek ways to correct this issue.

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